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Duo Flying Tree - Painting Poesy


"Perpetual calendar"


In the new project "Duo Flying Tree - Painting Poesy" the duo expands their artistic activity beyond music. Stephanie Lepp has been drawing and painting since early childhood, Levan Andria has been working on poetry for years - now they are combining these two art forms and inspiring each other.
As their first “Painting Poesy” release, the two musicians have created a “Perpetual Calendar”, filled with 12 inspiring pictures and poems to discover - for unforgettable moments, birthday dates and thoughts!
 Wall calendar 30x30 cm / opened 30x60 cm

Duo Flying Tree
Levan Andria - Poetry
Stephanie Lepp - Art

Design: Nicole Heß
Photography Art: Gerald Jauß

Order for 30 € plus postage at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

At the beginning of 2023, Stephanie Lepp and Levan Andria set themselves the artistic task of creating a painting and a poem every month throughout the year alongside their musical activities. A common theme emerged, which the two artists then worked on artistically, each in their own way and at the same time connected in terms of content, until the end of each month. Now you can hold the result of this inspiring project in your hands: A perpetual calendar - for unforgettable moments, birthdays, thoughts...