Duo Flying Tree
Two unique musicians, two extraordinary instruments - a path of their own ...
Levan Andria and Stephanie Lepp met in Stuttgart in 2017 and began improvising together. Little did they know at the time that they would soon become a harmonious duo. From then on, they created their own pieces during their creative meetings ... the musical journey began ...
Numerous concerts have taken the two musicians to Germany and abroad. They have also performed at various festivals, such as the International Kraichgau Jazz Festival, the Kultursommer Nordhessen Festival and the Chapel of Europe Festival in Brussels.
Their music thrives on improvisation and they only play their own compositions, which are inspired by different musical cultures. The combination of cello and flute as well as bansuri is rare, but all the more fascinating - as both instruments allow a range of expressive colours, they complement each other perfectly. The two love the creative, spontaneous interaction on stage - every concert is a unique, intense experience, characterised by differentiated, virtuoso and impressive chamber music interplay. The Duo Flying Tree's roots lie in European classical music, which naturally has a strong influence on their playing. This dynamic variety, sound aesthetics and sensitivity unfold best in chamber music halls, chapels, churches and rooms with good, natural acoustics. But the duo's sound also works excellently with amplification. The duo's special sound language is also effective in unusual places - such as studios, art events, house concerts, or even outdoors, in quarries, amphitheatres, gardens, etc., which can contribute to a holistic musical experience.
Immerse yourself in the unique musical world of Duo Flying Tree.